
I'm Andreea, a 38-year-old proudly claiming Dracula's lineage – but fear not, I'm the vegan edition, so no bloodsucking here, just a love for animals. Now, I must confess, my navigating skills are as lost as a bat in broad daylight, but that hasn't stopped me from wandering into various countries in pursuit of a better life – from Romania to Germany, then Switzerland, and now, well, I'm eyeing the whole world. In the midst of my adventures, I live by one motto: "See the good," because even Dracula's descendants need a positive bite in life, right?


I'm Christian, forever 39 and perpetually on the hunt for the next big business move. By day, I'm the DIY maestro, attempting to build or fix anything that stands still (or not). I'm always up to something big, maybe a tad too restless – blame it on those epic ideas brewing in my mind.
In the face of chaos, I don't just stay positive; I turn up the optimism volume. Call me the maestro of tuning up situations with a simple smile. Because why fix a problem when you can grin it into submission?


I am Nacho, the two-year-old furball with a mix that's basically a doggy spell from Dracula's hood. Back in the day, I was this street-savvy pup in Romania, scared of everything – I was a real work in progress, you know? But they say I'm worth it, and honestly, I'm not arguing.

Now, let me spill the kibble on yours truly. I've got a passion for cheese – the stinkier, the better. Cuddling? Oh yeah, count me in. It took me a hot minute to get the whole point of toys, but let's just say I'm now the undisputed champ in teddy bear demolition. Sorry, Mum!

But here's the serious scoop – I'm a Protector with a capital P. Guarding stuff is my jam. Need a guardian? Nacho's on the job.

And then, there's Sisi, my girlfriend. Her first bark had me hooked. True pup love, right? Life's a wild ride, and I'm here for the belly rubs, the cheese, and, of course, keeping the world safe, one bark at a time!

Kali & Nala

We are Kali and Nala, the sister duo that defies the laws of looking alike but nails the art of being four years young. Outdoors? Please, we'd rather be in the cozy house, enjoying our personal birdwatching Netflix.

Hunting? Nah, not our style. We've got the paw-rents trained to fetch our toys and serve us breakfast. Why go through the hassle when you can have a personal assistant?

Now, our big hairy brother Nacho – initially, we weren't thrilled about his arrival, but turns out, he's not that bad. We've upgraded from tolerating him to a full-on cuddle squad. Picture this: house sprints that rival the 1st Cavalry's grand entrance, treats galore, and us reigning as the ultimate treat enthusiasts. Treats, treats, and more treats – the secret to our hearts.

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